Starting JULY 1 2024, I will be in a new location. The new address is

4085 Seneca St. Suite 2, West Seneca NY 14224

therapist massaging upper back

Thank you for visiting my site. If you are looking for a massage tailored to your specific needs, The Ortho Massage Place is the place to be. My focus is injury related. To put it simply, if you come in with a neck injury you will not receive a full body massage. Tell me what areas are troubling you and I will use the time to focus specifically on your injury and any areas that are affected by the injury. If my pressure is too much or not enough, no problem I can adjust it to your comfort level. My goal is for you to walk out feeling better than you did when you walked in.

In addition to massage I am also a Reiki Master. I provide a couple different reiki services. Reiki does not have to include touch and if you choose the reiki service that does not include massage, you will remain fully clothed.

I am also a Certified Life Coach and have a new service called Life Direction and Meditation. It is very much like a life coach session only a little different. I also add a meditation at the end to bring together everything we discussed.

For an explanation of what reiki is and my reiki services click on the Reiki tab under Services on the side menu.


  • Headaches/Migraines.                          
  • Jaw Issues (Clenching/grinding)
  • Neck/Back/Joint Pain
  • Injuries


  • Fibromyalgia
  • MS
  • Arthritis


  • Been in an accident
  • Had surgery or going for surgery soon

These are only some of the conditions I treat. If you have never had massage or reiki before and you are unsure if this is something that you would be interested in, no problem, shoot me a text or email and I will gladly answer any questions you may have.